How to make water tight mesh using Ball Pivot Algorithm

Dear All,

I have a set of 3D datapoints which looks similar to sphere. I want it to be converted to 3D mesh using python. I was researching and found Open3D library. I am very excited to work with this library.

Based on this, I tried to do surface reconstruction using Ball pivot algorithm and also Poisson surface reconstruction. I tried the same using Meshlab software. But, I am unable to do watertight mesh using Open3D. Also, I am confused with the terminologies of multiple radius while working with Ball Pivot Algorithm.

I need water tight mesh since I want to work on further process called simulation based on this mesh.

I have attached the “.xyz” file along with this mail and also the mesh obtained from Meshlab. I would liek to know how to work with Open3D to get such kind of surface reconstruction.

Link for ".xyz’ file:

From Open3D I am getting meshing something like this which is shown in the link below which contains lot of gaps.

Mesh obtained from meshlab using Ball Pivot and some modifications like close hole. How to create mesh similar to this using Open3D…?

Any leads will be appreciated.

Sunag R A.

You can use the package pymeshfix to fill holes using repair().